The real work begins with finding clients and landing jobs.
All this while, you might have thought that the struggle was in becoming a notary. However, the real struggle starts after you get your certification as a notary public. I remember being totally blank after becoming a notary as I did not know what my next step was. My mind was filled with many questions. How do I get my #firstassignment ? How do I land my #firstclient ? Which company should I approach?

I put in some extra work and here is what worked for me:
Understand the market
Different title and signing companies have different ways of doing business. These companies are actively looking for notaries for their loan assignments. However, make sure that the company or companies you want to work with are the right fit for you.
Curate a list of companies that you want as your clients. Once you make the list, divide them on the basis of: Whether the company operates within your state or outside your state. Does it cost money to sign up with them? What's there pay schedule? Can you sign up with them on their website or do they work through Snapdocs only? Does the title and escrow company require 2 year minimum experience?
Landing companies outside your state
Here is what you can do to get loan assignments from clients that operate outside your state:
● Create a profile on sites like or as clients view these sites while searching for notaries. You can check the profile of other notaries to get an idea of how to build your profile.
● Network with other notaries in your area as you may stumble upon professionals who are burdened with loan assignments and require the assistance of another notary.
● Make sure to attend conferences for Notary Signing Agents as these events have people from national title/signing companies. These companies are always in search of notary signing agents who are looking for new clients.
Landing companies within your state
Here are some pointers for you to get loan assignments from clients that operate within your state:
● This is a hit-and-trial method. Reach out to title and escrow companies in your area and advertise yourself. Introduce yourself and ask about what requirements they need to work with them.
● Go to networking functions that take place in your area. You can simply browse on the internet to find your local networking events. Check their website and see the events taking place near you. Networking in these events can go a long way in your career as a notary public/ notary signing agent.
My top companies to work with
Some of my favorite companies are only able to assign work through while others found me through my profile. They were my first choice to work for because they paid fairly, were willing to negotiate, paid at reasonable times and were just overall great to work with.

Loan Signing Companies and Notary Signing Agencies (to name a few)
● X Marks the Spot
● Bancserv
● LSI - A Fidelity National Information Services Company
● Hatton and Associates Inc.
● Title Source
● Notary on Call
● Inscribing Pursuits Document Service
● Pro Sign Document Services
● Todaro National Notary
The list of companies is endless and only you will know which companies you prefer to work with. Take your time in getting to know the companies and create relationships with the people that work there. Over time it will pay off and more work will get sent your way.