Are you interested in restarting your career after starting motherhood?
Motherhood is much more than a phase of life in a woman’s life as it changes you as a person and transforms you into a completely different person. You go from a life of ‘me’ to a life of ‘my baby’. Everything takes a back seat and your baby becomes your everything. There was a time when women never went to work and stayed at home taking care of the household.
However, the situation has changed for the better, and more and more women are becoming financially independent. However, once a baby enters your life, it takes precedence over everything. Many women take a break from their careers to look after their kids. Even that is changing as mothers are looking to restart their careers.

While it is tough to get back into the workforce, here are some ideas to restart your career post motherhood.
1. Network marketing and sales
The profile of sales is not everyone’s cup of tea and is not the most popular profile as it is a target-based job. However, that is also the reason why you can easily get into this field if you have a knack for it. In case you are aiming for a place to grow, aiming for start-ups would be ideal as you get to learn a lot while simultaneously making a decent buck on a monthly basis.
2. TTT — Train the Trainer
Many mothers are trying their hand at teaching and are even taking up courses to hone their skills as a teacher. You can open a playschool and continue to spend time with your kid while also reducing the burden on other moms. Moreover, you can use your skills and experience to curate courses and sell them online on different platforms like Udemy, Coursera, etc.
3. Women and/or children-oriented business
After spending time with your kid, you probably might have come across many unsolved problems that moms and babies face. If you have an entrepreneurial mindset, then you pick one problem and work towards solving it. Many moms have started ventures related to kids’ travel, baby jewelry, etc., and are already earning profits.
4. Family business
If you come from a business family, then you always have the option of joining the business and helping your family members. It provides you with the flexibility to look after your kid while also working with your family members. If you don’t have a family business, then you always have the option of starting a business by joining hands with a family member.
5. Internet-based prospects
Nowadays, there are many courses available on the internet. You can pick a skill you like or are passionate about and go ahead to make a living out of it. You can learn anything from baking to writing and start with your own freelance business. Moreover, you can even apply for work-from-home jobs online which allows you to work from the comfort of your house. With the internet becoming mainstream, the sky has become the limit for each one of us.