Notary Loan Signing Agent | Port Orchard WA | Become a Notary 101
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You are in the right place if:


  • You want to know what a notary/loan signing agent is

  • You want to make $4000-$6000 working part time

  • You want to become a notary/loan signing agent

  • You want to work for yourself and dictate your hours and pay


But mostly, you are in the right place because you are frustrated with finding information to get started as a notary and just want a simplified step by step process that's all in one place. 




I'm Kalanit! A fellow parent and notary. When I began my journey over 2 years ago to become a notary signing agent I was frustrated with finding the correct information to get started. I want to help others demystify the process and start their journey with ease. 

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